“Following up on converts involves providing ongoing support, guidance, and resources to help them navigate their spiritual journey and deepen their commitment to their beliefs.
Now, let’s consider seven key advantages an organized follow-up system brings to bear for a new convert in particular and the body of Christ in general.
Nurturing Spiritual Growth: Follow-up allows mentors or spiritual guides to support and nurture the spiritual growth of converts. It ensures that they receive ongoing guidance, education, and resources to deepen their understanding of their newfound faith. This consistent support fosters a strong foundation and facilitates their progress on the spiritual path.
Integration and Adaptation: Conversion involves a significant transition in beliefs and practices. Follow-up helps converts integrate their newfound faith into their daily lives, adapting to new rituals, ethical principles, and ways of living in alignment with their spiritual values. The guidance and support provided during follow-up ensure a smooth and successful integration process.
Addressing Questions and Concerns: Converts often have questions, doubts, or concerns as they navigate their new spiritual path. Follow-up provides a platform for mentors or spiritual guides to address these inquiries and provide clarifications. By addressing doubts and concerns, converts can deepen their understanding, strengthen their faith, and overcome obstacles that may hinder their spiritual growth……”
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Follow-up: A System of Soul Discipleship – By Sis Jane Edema Read More »
“Drawing inspiration from the Book of Acts 2:5-11, we uncover the profound impact the gift of tongues and its interpretation can have on missions. These extraordinary spiritual manifestations witnessed on the day of Pentecost, continue to shape and transform the landscape of missions today.
Let’s explore three(3) ways in which the gift of tongues and interpretation, as exemplified in Acts 2:5-11, can ignite remarkable breakthroughs in missions.
Are you ready? Okay, let’s dive right in.
▫️Supernatural Communication Across Language Barriers:
As witnessed on the day of Pentecost, the gift of tongues empowered the disciples to speak in diverse languages, bridging the vast linguistic divide among those gathered.
Similarly, in missions, the gift of tongues equips missionaries with the ability to communicate supernaturally in unknown languages. This extraordinary gift breaks down language barriers, allowing the Gospel to be shared with individuals from every nation, tribe, and tongue.
The accompanying gift of interpretation ensures that the message resonates deeply, facilitating understanding and receptivity among diverse cultural groups.
▫️Authentic Cultural Engagement and Connection:
Acts 2:5-11 reveals how each person heard the disciples speaking in their native language. This remarkable phenomenon highlights the gift of tongues as a powerful tool for authentic cultural engagement.
When missionaries speak in the native tongues of the people they serve, it demonstrates genuine respect for their culture and fosters a deep sense of connection. This approach opens doors for meaningful relationships and establishes trust, creating fertile ground for the seeds of the Gospel to take root.
The gift of interpretation enables…..”
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“In a world filled with distractions and endless demands for our attention, it can be challenging to maintain a sense of spiritual connectedness. However, the Bible offers us profound guidance on how to cultivate a deeper relationship with God through “walking in the Spirit.”
This powerful concept encourages us to align our thoughts, actions and desires with God’s will, enabling us to experience a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
In the next couple of paragraphs, we will explore the significance of walking in the Spirit and examine relevant Bible verses that shed light on this transformative journey.
▫️Galatians 5:16-25 – The Fruits of the Spirit:
One of the most well-known passages about walking in the Spirit can be found in…..”
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Walking in the Spirit: Nurturing a Divine Connection – By Sis Jane Edema Read More »
“As we embark on the mandate of making disciples of men, we must remember that Jesus alone should remain the focus, not His doings.
Emphasizing His doings (miracles, signs, wonders) over who He represents to the Body risks us birthing Christians without roots.
And the natural occurrence is a production of Christians who never abide when their faith is tested.
Jesus is the root, His doings are akin to fruits or leaves…..”
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Jesus Only Is Our Message By Sis Jane Edema Read More »
“It was my first missionary journey to Togo and we were on evangelism in one of the unreached communities.
As usual, I was with an interpreter since I didn’t have a grip on the local language.
We met a lady who was about to prepare lunch for her family and engaged her with the gospel.
As my custom is when sharing my faith, I asked her if she knows who Jesus is, and her response came back as NO!
I didn’t think the interpreter communicated my message correctly, so, I urged him to ask her again….”
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The Unreached People’s Group By Sis Jane Edema Read More »
“Throughout history, we see stories of men used by God. Men who gave their all for the course of the gospel. Beginning with our Lord Jesus Christ himself, the author and finisher of our faith, to the early disciples and apostles; faithful men like Peter, apostle Paul, John the beloved, revivalists like Kathryn Kulman and missionaries like William Carey….”
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Missions in History – Lessons from William Carey By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare Read More »
Treading on slippery ground, though as a train track it seems, Turning his back on the fence thereby letting lose all seams, His eyes configured to see nothing even when there’s a whole to behold, All’ll end in your best interest no matter how ‘tis addressed so he was told, Then he kept at it
The Great Commission and You (A Poem) By Bro Victor Ogunlade Read More »
“Being followers of Christ is what we are called into as Christians.
However, Jesus mentioned in one of His parables that it is wisdom that one calculates the cost of any endeavor before embarking on it.
Lest he starts something he can’t finish and then, becomes a laughing stock.
In this day and age, you may have noticed several alterations, supposed “amendments” to our Christianity: particularly around lifestyle, where one who gets saved isn’t differentiable from one who isn’t.
Hence, one is tempted to ask….”
The Cost of Following Jesus – By Sis Jane Edema Read More »
Oh, wake from your slumber,
Let it not be that it ends in asunder,
For if not now?
Then, the beast of the land will rise devouring all that is ripe,
Yet, laying claim on that which was gathered as his right….”
Lord of the Harvest – A Poem By Bro Victor Ogunlade Read More »