• Kajola, Ibadan, Oyo State
  • +2348022257773
  • admin@wpmi.org

THE CALL IS FOR ALL by Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

It is already an established truth that Missions whether at home or abroad is the assignment of the believer. It is without doubt that the Church which is you and I and everyone who believes in Jesus have all been called to the great commission. In Mathew 28:19-20, JESUS said"Go

The Forgotten Church – A Poem by Sis Romoke Elizabeth

To Christian infants and to be,To all who sought a comfort zoneA barque of safety on that seaThat laps at last on Heaven’s shore But now no longer do these wallsGive back the chant of psalm or hymnNo more will flickering candles lightThe pilgrim’s way through shadows dim The congregation

The Worth of a Soul – A Poem by Bro Victor Ogunlade

Wonders seems never to cease,Wait! Breath and look, then can you see beyond the seas. Is he a fool, or he's just careless?Is it a clue to show his act of being selfless?But why will a shepherd of a hundred flock, leave ninety-nine of his sheep to go after one?

September Togo Missions Trip Registration Now Open

Registration is now OPEN for the upcoming Volunteers Mission Trip to the Republic of Togo. Deadline to receive registrations – by the end of the second week of August. This is to ensure that proper logistics are put in place. Dates of Togo Missions: 2nd/3rd Week, September, 2022 Important Notice:

Happy July – Our Month of Multiplication Through a Life of Complete Obedience

'Dearly beloved, it's a new month, quarter and second half of the year 2022. I strongly believe that the Lord is calling everyone of to a life of complete obedience (Exodus 19:5)....' "Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father