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  • admin@wpmi.org

Christ’s Purpose For Every Believer – By Sis Dawn Fache

As a young believer, one of the questions that tugged at my heart and kept me awake for many nights was the popular "why are you here on earth? or put simply, "What is your purpose?" For a very long time I grappled with this issue because I was made

Welcome March: Our Month of Kingdom Growth & Establishment by His Mighty Acts & Power – Psalm 145:12

As we enter into a new month, let us take a moment to reflect on the mighty acts and power of our God. Throughout history, He has shown His strength and faithfulness time and time again, and His power continues to be evident in our lives today. Psalm 105:1-5 says,

Lord of the Harvest – A Poem By Bro Victor Ogunlade

Arise! Oh, wake from your slumber, Let it not be that it ends in asunder, For if not now? Then, the beast of the land will rise devouring all that is ripe, Yet, laying claim on that which was gathered as his right. Arise! Here it is, The Sapa Valley

Missions: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus

John 20:21- Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you; as my Father hath sent me, even so I send you. John 15:16- Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit

The Matthew 9:38 Prayer

"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.” Incase you've ever wondered what prayer means, here's a very apt definition. Prayer is man giving God permission to act on the earth.  Blasphemy! Preposterous!! Insolence!!! How can man give Almighty God permission?  Well, if you

The Confessions of a Missionary (Part 1)

Confess with me: I am a child of God I am a friend of God I'm a joint heir with Christ As he is, so I'm I The mind of Christ is at work in me I think the way he thinks, his desire are my very heart beat.  I

Happy February, Our Month of Kingdom Growth and Establishment by His Favour and Wisdom (Acts 7:10)!

In Genesis 39 we find Joseph, whom his brothers have sold into slavery, ascending to the highest position in the house of Potipher, an Egyptian officer of Pharaoh. Despite the circumstances, the Wisdom and Favour of God never left Joseph’s side, “The Lord was with Joseph….” In this month of