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Mission Trips

Team Watchmen Eye-Witness Interview (Episode 3): Featuring Sis. Charisa Makanto

“Q1: Kindly tell us your full name.
A1: Charisa Makanto.

Q2: What is your birth country, and are you currently residing in that same country?
A2: Nigeria. Yes, I do reside here.

Q3: How did you hear about WPMI, and what motivated you to join Team Watchmen?
A3: I found out about WPMI through their Instagram page. I desired to partner with the ministry because I needed the field experience, and my goals and vision aligned with that of WPMI.

Q4: Were you always passionate about missions? How did your love for missions come to be?
A4: I was never really very passionate about missions. The desire and passion were birthed when I had an encounter with God, and I received clear instructions to go into it. The passion has grown over time and is still growing.

Q5: How many mission trips have you gone on?
A5: I have gone to at least a hundred villages in about 18 countries….”

Team Watchmen Eye-Witness Interview (Episode 3): Featuring Sis. Charisa Makanto Read More »

Partnership in Missions: Giving – By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

“It has been established in previous articles under this series that missions play a vital role in spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, and that the call extends to every believer. This article explores ‘giving’ as a way of partnering with missions.

Giving simply means the free transfer of possession or value to someone else, and partnering with missions through giving simply means ‘giving to missions.’

It is true that God will always provide. Definitely, God’s work will never lack supply; however, God uses men. He has called us to partner with him. The Scripture sets a precedence for this. Examples in the Old Testament include Abraham hosting angels, Israelites bringing their substance for God’s work (Building of the tabernacle), Rahab hosting the spies, the widow of Zarephath feeding Elijah, and the list goes on and on. Women like Joanna, wife of Chuza, Susanna, and Mary Magdalene ministered of their substance to Jesus (Luke 8:3). The Philippians church also supported Paul with his mission work. The book of Romans chapter 16 also gives an account of Paul’s personal greetings to people, some of whom he described as his ‘helpers in Christ.’
What can I give?
One may ask, what can I give?…”
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Partnership in Missions: Giving – By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare Read More »

Partnership in Missions: The Power of Intercession – By Adebusola Owokole

“Missions play a vital role in spreading the love and message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. The call to missions extends to every believer, as we are commissioned to make disciples of all nations. However, the task of global evangelism and the challenges faced in various mission fields can be overwhelming. In the midst of these challenges, intercession emerges as a powerful tool for partnership in missions. This blog post explores the significance of intercession in missions and how it can transform the lives of both intercessors and those on the mission field.

The Nature of Intercession:
Intercession is not simply praying for others; it is a…”
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Partnership in Missions: The Power of Intercession – By Adebusola Owokole Read More »

Team Watchmen Eye-Witness Interview (Episode 2): Featuring Bro. Daniel Okike

“I am a watchman upon the gates.
I stand watch and do not hold my peace until His Kingdom is established upon the earth.
I am always on guard; I do not relent or retreat.
I travail until nations are delivered!

I do not fret about news or trends, but I take my position on the wall.
With prayers, supplications, and thanksgiving, I make my requests known unto…”
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Team Watchmen Eye-Witness Interview (Episode 2): Featuring Bro. Daniel Okike Read More »

Confessions of a Missionary (Part 5): Intercession – By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

“I am a watchman upon the gates.
I stand watch and do not hold my peace until His Kingdom is established upon the earth.
I am always on guard; I do not relent or retreat.
I travail until nations are delivered!

I do not fret about news or trends, but I take my position on the wall.
With prayers, supplications, and thanksgiving, I make my requests known unto…”
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Confessions of a Missionary (Part 5): Intercession – By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare Read More »

“Partnership in Missions: An Introduction – By Adebusola Owokole

“In the realm of missions, the power of partnership is undeniable. As followers of Christ, we are called to join hands and hearts in spreading the Good News to the ends of the earth. Partnership in missions allows us to combine our resources, gifts, and prayers to have a greater impact on reaching the unreached and transforming lives. In this blog post series, we will explore the significance of partnership in missions, beginning with an introduction to its importance and biblical foundation…”
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“Partnership in Missions: An Introduction – By Adebusola Owokole Read More »

“For me to live is Christ”: A Reminder and a Call to Action – By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

“Today’s topic is derived from Philippians 1:21: “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” It brings to mind another verse from Galatians 2:20:

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

Reflecting on these verses, I realized that the statement “For me to live is Christ” serves as both a reminder and a call to action.

On one hand, it reminds us of the profound significance of the cross and the beautiful exchange that took place there. Our past, sins, shame, and guilt were nailed to the cross, and in return, we received a new life in Christ. It reminds us of the limitless possibilities and realities found in Jesus. It reminds us of our identity in Him and..”
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“For me to live is Christ”: A Reminder and a Call to Action – By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare Read More »

Missions in History: The James Hudson Taylor Story By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

“James Hudson Taylor was a British missionary born 21 May, 1832. He is known as the founder of China Inland missions, an organisation that was instrumental in the spread of the gospel in China. James Hudson Taylor is the definition of someone who truly desired to preach Christ where he had not been named. He was instrumental in drawing the attention of many as the father will call to the ripe harvest in China.

Below are few lessons we can learn from the life of James Hudson Taylor…”
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Missions in History: The James Hudson Taylor Story By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare Read More »

Confessions of a Missionary (Part 4) By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

“I am God’s representative on earth.
I legislate His will here on earth.
His will is done on earth just as it is in heaven.
May His kingdom come in every nation, in every tribe, in every tongue, in every language.
Our God reigns, let the earth be glad.

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me.

He has anointed me to proclaim liberty to the captive and opening of prison to them that are bound.
I decree freedom, liberation of people, nations from the power of darkness.

I proclaim the name of Jesus over the nations.
I disarm every link, operation, line of communication of the enemy in the nations.
I render their devices useless.

I decree that governments, media establishments, educational institutions, culture and thought patterns come in alignment with the word of God.
I cast down thrones, covens and everything raising itself above the knowledge of Christ.
They have been defeated
He has made a public display of them (Col 2:15).

It is finished!!

We sound the alarm; our God reigns over the earth.

Those who seat in darkness have seen a great Light…”
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Confessions of a Missionary (Part 4) By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare Read More »

Confessions of a Missionary (Part 2) By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

“I am a city set on a hill
I cannot be hidden
I go forth bearing precious seeds and I come back with rejoicing, bearing my sheaves with me; the evidence of a bountiful harvest

The soil that I plant on is fertile
No seed is lost
No one is lost
The words that I speak take a firm root in the the hearts of men
It withstands the rain, the sun, trials and tribulations of life

I am a Watchman on the tower
I will not keep silent till…”
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Confessions of a Missionary (Part 2) By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare Read More »