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“The White Fields” By Bro. Kingsley Manuel

“In the white fields, the harvest awaits
For workers to heed the call of faith
To scatter seeds upon every land
And watch them grow by God’s mighty hand

The gospel sown, hearts set ablaze,
Spreading joy, hope with each embrace,
To open eyes of the lost so wide,
Embracing truth, no longer to hide.

The toil is hard, the sun beats down,
But each step forward claims a crown,
Hearts are touched with each shared word,
A harvest reaped, souls awakened and stirred.

So let us labor with strength and might,
Spreading the news, breaking the chains tight,
Of sin and death that hold so fast,
Bringing the lost into God’s light.

For in these golden fields of harvest,
Lies a broken world, bitter and cold,
Yearning for love and endless grace,
That only Christ can truly unfold.

So let our hearts be filled with love,
Sowing seeds, praying to God above,
That hearts are touched and souls set free,
And the gospel harvest, at last, we see.

In fields of white, the harvest calls,
For laborers to share God’s love that enthralls,
The gospel true, grace abounding,
To those who have yet to hear, still surrounding.

The seed of truth, the Word of life,
Is sown by those who answer God’s strife,
To tell the lost of Christ who saves,
And bring them to His loving embrace.

The joy that fills the sower’s heart,
As they witness abundant fruit impart,
Is worth the sweat and tears they shed,
As they tirelessly journey, pathways spread.

May we be the ones who boldly go,
To distant fields that long to know,
And radiate the light of Christ,
To souls dwelling in darkness, obscured from sight.

For in these white fields ripe for harvest,
Lies a world in desperate need,
Of the Bread of life, the living Word,
That only Christ can truly feed.

So let us go forth and sow these fields,
Trusting God to do His part and yield,
To bring to life the seeds we sow,
Drawing them to His loving heart’s glow.

John 4:35 says, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (ESV)…..”

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“The White Fields” By Bro. Kingsley Manuel Read More »