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Raising Disciples by Pastor Olusegun Kolade

‘The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them on ahead in pairs to all the towns and villages he planned to visit.’

Luke 10:1

It is very obvious that Jesus worked with more than 12 disciples..

He chose 70 others who were not part of the 12 to get the work done.

Jesus sent them to towns and villages in groups of twos.

Which means that a total number of 35 communities were reached at the same time.

We should learn from our Master by following His footsteps.

We should be able to get more disciples involved in the task of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.

No single person is capable of finishing this work alone.

If Jesus Christ could get them involved, there is nothing bad in getting more disciples involved in this work.

He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Luke 10:2

There is still so much to be done.

The greatest challenge facing the spread of the gospel today is shortage of laborers .

If the work would be completed, more laborers are needed.

The harvest is plentiful..

The Greatest deception of the devil is to think we alone can do this work.

Multiplication requires more hands ..

We should use those we have trained.

We can collaborate with other ministers, but using our own disciples make the work spread faster.

In a week, we can reach hundreds of communities if we are committed to raising more disciples.

– Written by Pastor Olusegun Kolade (Int’l Missions Director, WPM)

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